Monday, June 05, 2006

Asian Development Bank Coordinating with Partners on Indonesia Earthquake Relief Assistance

ADB is working closely with the Government of Indonesia and other development partners, including the World Bank, United Nations, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation, on assessing the most effective ways to assist people affected by the 27 May earthquake.

ADB has initially offered US$10 million in immediate grant assistance and $50 million in concessional loans, for a total of $60 million, to help meet the rehabilitation and reconstruction needs.

“ADB has a wealth of experience in implementing projects in disaster affected areas,” said Rajat Nag, Director General of ADB’s Southeast Asia Department, who visited central Java and Yogyakarta two days after the earthquake. “We will continue to assess the needs in the area and are already exploring how we can support the Government of Indonesia in the medium term.”

ADB has put together an immediate response team, comprising experts from various sectors, and will take part in a joint Government-donor mission to the affected areas on 6-7 June 2006.

The Government of Indonesia, through the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), will lead the damage and loss assessment process. The Indonesia government has convened a series of meetings since the earthquake, and the joint Government-donor teams are setting priorities and dividing responsibilities for assistance beyond the initial rescue and relief efforts, such as ensuring adequate provision of housing and utilities.

ADB has long experience in several sectors in the affected areas, including roads, flood management systems, and hospitals. ADB has an ongoing road rehabilitation project in the area, for example, as well as a project to provide housing and community infrastructure support.
-Asian Development Bank-

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